Do you suffer from bad anxiety? Have regular panick attacks? Feel stressed?
Imagine coming back to the present moment with only a flick of the wrist...
Our Tibetan Aromatherapy Essential Oil Diffuser Bracelet will help you come to your senses and help you bring harmony to the mind, body and spirit!
Just add a few drops of your favorite essential oil(s) onto the lava stone in your Tibetan Bracelet for stylish personal arometherpy!

About Moonstones
Moonstone is a natural crystal mineral that is thought to harvest the energy of the moon, which embodies yin's passive and relaxing energy. Similarly, this stone promotes healing and balance, and enhances your intuition.

About Lava Stones
The Lava stone or Basalt is a rock that forms when volcanoes erupt magma (lava) on the earth's surface and the magma cools down. Lava beads are porous and can absorb the essential oil of your choice.

We Pledge to Plant a Tree in Australia for Every Product sold!
We partnered with One Tree Planted who has been working with many great partners in Australia to restore the country's native forests following last season’s catastrophic bushfires.
Efforts are focused on mobilizing support for replanting efforts, developing nurseries and planting millions of trees with an army of volunteers and professional crews. Your support will help make sure we’re ready to hit the ground running.

By planting trees in Australia, you're creating habitat corridors for koalas in New South Wales and Victoria, enhancing biodiversity in Western Australia, and promoting sustainable and regenerative agriculture practices with landowners.
Click "ADD TO CART" now to grab yours with a 50% Discount+ 1 Extra Tibetan Aromatherapy Bracelet for FREE + 1 Tree Planted thanks to you!
You will receive your product in 7-10 working days. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we would like to apologize in advance for any potential delays.
Our customer service is at your disposal 24/7 by email: